更加委婉地说What do you mean


  • 随意 - 你在说什么啊? (朋友之间,说"What do you mean"没问题!)
  • 指责 - 你居然敢这么说?(对方的说法让你觉得很不开心, 这种场合说"What do you mean"就有指责的味道。)
    • Hey Maggie, I don't think you should be wearing that dress. It's not flattering on you. (这裙子,你穿不好看)
    • What do you mean? what do you mean by that? (你什么意思啊?你想说什么?)



  • Let me understand what you mean. You are saying...
  • I'm a bit confused. Could you walk me through that again?
  • I'm still a bit unsure of what you are getting at. Could you be a little more specific? / Could you elaborate (on that)?
  • I'm afraid i don't follow you. Could you clarify what you mean by that?
Last Updated:
Contributors: Adam C