

"The weather is so hot!"

解释:The weather can't be hot, and the temperature is hot. So the correct ways to say are:

  • Hot weather
  • It's hot (out)


  • heat wave: 热浪
    • We're in a heat wave right now in LA
  • hot and humid, 又潮又热
  • scorching: 灼热的
    • It's scorching hot out // 外面超热
    • It gets scorching hot out in the afternoon, but at least our mornings and evening are still pretty oky, pretty cool.
  • sizzling: 咝咝作响的 / 煎牛排的声音
  • blazing: 炎热
  • boilling: 沸腾
  • I was out for 5 minutes and I'm soaked/drenched in sweat.
  • It's so hot outsite, you can fry an egg.


  • Stay hydrated and stay cool.
  • We're in a heat wave/exteme hot weather, it's so important to stay hydrated and stay cool during the day.
Last Updated:
Contributors: Adam C