
"内卷“ - 无意义的竞争, 绝望的状态


  • The rat race - I am/feel stuck in the rat race.
  • I feel like a rat in the hamster's wheel.
  • Doing perpetual work with no way out.


No matter how hard you work, someone out there is working harder than you. No matter how many resources and connections you gahtered through years of heard work, someone outthere is already born into it. Someone has got better connections and more resources at their disposal than you.

You are stuck in the rat race, and you're stuck in the hamster's wheel doing perpetual work with no way out.


  • born into it //某二代
    • Dokata Johnson is born into Hollywood/Fame. //星二代
    • born into wealth // 富二代
    • born into high socity // 官二代
  • at someone's desposal // 在某人的手中
Last Updated:
Contributors: Adam C