- 油管链接:What do you mean
"The econnomy is bad!" 没有毛病啊?!
a bad economy is closely correlated with a recession.
- correlated: 紧密相关
- recession: 经济衰退
Much better Phrases
- an economic slowdown
- The world economy is showing clear signs of slowing down.
- We are concerned about an economic slowdown. So we're gonna tighen our belts and cut spending.
- grim: 严峻 /glommy/darkening
- The global economic outlook is (looking) grim/glommy/darkening. //前景不乐观
- The golabl enconmic is facing a grim/glommy/darkening outlook
- in bad/terrible shape
- The global economy is in terrible shape. Headed for a recession
- 反义词: in good shape / 状态非常好
- teeter: 摇晃;摇摇欲坠 / hang in (the) balance: 安危未定 / uncertain: 不确定的
- The econnomy teeters / hangs in balance / is uncertain