An Era Ends

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After 70 years, the reign of Queen Elizabeth II is over.

  • reign: the period during which a sovereign rules / 主权统治的时期
    • sovereign: 主权的


the queen on a visit to Germany in 2015
2015年女王访问德国。 Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Britain has begun a scripted 10-day ritual that only a tiny share of living people can recall having witnessed before.

  • scripted: 脚本化的 / 照本宣科
  • 10-day ritual 10天仪式
  • 因为女王在位时间是在太长(70年),所以只有一小部分活着的人能回忆起曾经目睹过的经历。

Elizabeth “survived tectonic shifts in her country’s post-imperial society and weathered successive challenges posed by the romantic choices, missteps and imbroglios of her descendants,” Alan Cowell writes in The Times’s obituary of her.

  • survived tectonic shifts: 在结构变化中幸存
  • weathered successive challenges: 经受住一系例的变化

Charles, 73, is taking the title King Charles III. Charles I was beheaded in 1649. Charles II, his son, fled to France but was restored to the throne in 1660.

三个查尔斯的故事 73岁的查尔斯正在接受查理三世国王的头衔。 查理一世于1649年被斩首。他的儿子查理二世逃往法国,但在1660年恢复了王位。

Elizabeth was committed to royal rituals but also modernized the monarchy by mingling with crowds, embracing Instagram, starring in spoof videos and even playing a joke on two American tourists who didn’t recognize her.


  • mingling with crowds: 和人群混在一起
  • embracing Instagram: 热衷于Instagram
  • starring spoof videos: 主演恶搞视频
  • playing a joke: 和xx开玩笑

President Biden called her a monarch who “defined an era” and ordered American flags flown at half-staff.

  • flags flown at half-staff:  降半旗
Last Updated:
Contributors: Adam C