A Summer Of Climate Disasters

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Climate change has made extreme weather increasingly normal.

  • extreme weather: 极端天气
  • climate:气候 / 和天气不同(天气是weather,地球人都知道),全球变暖(Gloabl Warming)指的是气候变化,从而出现极端天气(Extreme Weather)


'Off-the-charts events'

  • off-the-charts: 图表外 - 大大超过一般水平或平均水平

Heat waves in the U.S., wildfires in Europe, floods in Asia: This summer has shown how the climate crisis has made extreme weather a part of everyday life.

“Some of these events have no historical comparisons from 200 years ago,”

两百年一遇 - 让人震惊!🤯

Why? Rising temperatures create the circumstances for more frequent and more intense heat waves. Prolonged heat causes more frequent and more intense droughts and wildfires. And as it gets warmer, more water evaporates from the oceans — leading to more moisture in the air, and then heavier rainfall, floods and mudslides.

  • 气温上升 ➡️ 频繁热浪 ➡️ 干旱和野火
  • 天气变暖 ➡️ 海洋水蒸发 ➡️ 空气中的水分增加 ➡️ 降雨、洪水和泥石流

More to come

Those gases are already in the atmosphere, causing warming and extreme weather. Past and future emissions will continue to heat up the planet over the next couple of decades, leading to even more disasters.

  • 专家说:后面的几十年,情况会更糟糕!

That doesn’t mean the world is helpless, experts said. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as Democrats’ new spending law aims to do, can still lower the risk of climate disasters over the medium term. In the short term, humans can mitigate disasters through adaptation — using better forest management to reduce wildfire risk, for example, or building infrastructure that is more resilient to heavy rainfall and flooding.

  • 专家又说:这并不意味着世界要毁灭了。怎么办?
    • 减少温室气体排放量
    • 提高适应性,例如:使用更好的森林管理来降低野火风险,或者建设更能抵御强降雨和洪水的基础设施。

It’s in many ways unfair. Poorer countries have contributed to climate change much less because they have emitted less greenhouse gas than wealthier nations, as I’ve explained before. Yet some, like Pakistan, are now suffering the worst consequences of global warming.


Last Updated:
Contributors: Adam C